First trainers meeting


First trainers meeting

Today, for the Erasmus+ YOUAca project, the first operational meeting took place in Rome. The project manager and the three trainers of the project met at the CSIT Presidential office in order to design the first training sessions that will be carried out during the transnational meeting in Tortosa from 7 to 9 March. It


First Transnational meeting

First transnational meeting with young people from #Estonia, #Finland, #Italyand #Catalonia of the Erasmus+ program financed by European funds to promote the leadership of young people to sports entities. #youaca #ucec #eu #erasmusplus #youthpower #csitwsg19


kick-off meeting Bruxelles

Today we are in Brussels to join the kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ Sport Projects! Together with other important organisations from Europe, #CSIT has been selected for the EU co-finance of the development of the project You.aca – “Preparatory works for Youth Academy of grassroots sports”! CSIT takes the lead in this project of overall 5 institutions (Aics Direzione Nazionale/Italy, Consells Esportius